LAST DAY TO ENTER: Fully Alive with God Contest

Have you heard of the Fully Alive with God Photo Contest? Whether you have or haven’t, there is STILL time to enter and have a good chance of winning!Though today is the last day to enter a photo, you still have until Friday to climb your way up the ranks and win that prize! All you have to do is upload a photo (if you haven’t already), give it a caption, and share it with as many of your friends as you can. They can each vote once per day for your photo, and with five more days of the contest, you still have a fighting chance to win!Contest entry closes at midnight (EST) tonight, November 3. That gives you a few more days until November 7 at midnight to get the word out and rack up those votes.If you’ve already entered a photo, you can continue to share it to your Facebook page by clicking the Facebook icon when you place your cursor over your photo in the gallery.Good luck!

Enter the ContestGallery and Vote


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