6 Important Choices You Can Make Every Day
What separates human from animal? You might come up with many answers, but today we are looking for one specific answer. According to the Divine Principle, humans are special beings because of our potential to be co-creators with God. Together with God, we get to shape our lives. What does that mean in your life? Put simply, your choices can change your world.
Even a tiny decision to change your perspective can make a big difference. For instance, in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry discovers the importance of choice when it comes to fighting the evil wizard Voldemort:
"It was, he thought, the difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high. Some people, perhaps, would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but Dumbledore knew—and so do I, thought Harry, with a rush of fierce pride, and so did my parents—that there was all the difference in the world."
In realizing the power of his own choice, Harry gains pride and ownership over his mission. It becomes his, and not something forced upon him. This is the power that choice can have in our lives.
We will (probably) never need to battle against an evil wizard, but sometimes life is a battlefield. Sometimes we get stuck in a rut, and sometimes things seem a little dreary and hopeless. It happens.
Luckily, we have the gift of choice! Since the power of choice is a gift from God, it is our responsibility to make sure that we use that gift wisely. We all want to live a fulfilling, happy life, full of excitement and adventure and loving relationships. Whether or not you’re having a bad day, here are some choices you can make every day in order to positively shape your life:
Choose to Get Out of Bed.
It seems silly, but the key to a successful day is a good first step. If you wake up feeling groggy and negative, make extra effort to have a pleasant morning. Wash your face and smile at yourself in the mirror. Say something nice about yourself. Maybe even follow Jessica’s example, and give yourself a pep talk!
Choose Positivity over Negativity.
Have you ever noticed negative, judgmental thoughts flitting across your brain for no reason? When this starts to happen, ask yourself if you really mean it, or if these thoughts are just the effects of a bad mindset. Then choose to think positively instead.
Choose Yes over No.
Sometimes, without realizing it, our default reaction to everything becomes “no”. When someone asks us to do something, we automatically search for excuses to get out of it. We would much rather stay in our comfort zone, but who knows what kind of adventures are out there? Choose to be momentarily uncomfortable for the sake of awesome memories and new friends!
Choose Love over Hate.
Of course, relationships are tricky business, but the exercise of loving someone despite their shortcomings is a great way to grow closer to God. If somebody hurts you today, choose to accept their apology, or choose to give them the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people lash out and it has nothing to do with you, and has everything to do with their own bad day.
Choose Who You Surround Yourself With.
Sometimes, the people you surround yourself with affect your quality of life. You begin to resemble the people around you, and you want to make sure that your friends challenge and inspire you. There is no need to abandon anybody, but make sure you have a healthy mix of people you spend your time with.
Choose to Include God.
Again, our purpose is to be co-creators of this fabulous existence with God. Remember to keep God as your guide. Choose to include our Heavenly Parent in the decisions you make today. Ask yourself: how will my decision affect my relationship with God?