Our Original Blueprint
Divine Principle is an insight into how we can be who we were created to be.

Becoming a Person of Integrity
Each one of us is born into a family to grow our spirit and body to maturity.
By experiencing love from each member of the family, we develop an understanding of universal principles and values.
As our minds unite with the principles of God, we are naturally inclined to make responsible and healthy choices.
When we discover our identity as sons and daughters of God, we are ready to raise a family of our own.

True and Lasting Love
Having developed a heart of unselfish love, it is easier for us to create true and lasting love in our relationships.
As sons and daughters of God, we form families where God's love can flourish and multiply through the generations...
...providing a nourishing environment for each family member to reach their own unique creative potential.
Our families become the building blocks where all people live without borders.

Develop Goodness and Prosperity
Using our creativity we take responsibility to care for and develop the world for the benefit of all.
Great minds working together, create the world of peace and prosperity that God originally intended.
The individual lives for the sake of the family, the family lives for the nation, and the nation lives for the world.
Divine Principle offers profound insights into the contradiction between our hopes & reality. It helps us on our journey to create a life we love.
Knowing what we know now about Jesus' mission on Earth, what is God's hope for America? As a nation whose history is rooted in Christianity, what does that mean for our future?