The Power in Being Fully Alive
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
-Howard Thurman
Being “fully alive” implies that every part of "you" is engaged and vital; yet the average person isn’t quite sure what “me” is. This isn’t just a struggle of the here and now but a centuries-long dialogue: Are we just matter or is there a spirit or consciousness that transcends the material world, and, more importantly, does it matter?
Unification Thought has a unique perspective on this topic. This philosophy is the fruit of the life and teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Unification movement, and it is the thought system at the heart of Rev. Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's, teachings. Unification Thought honors every individual as a “being with divine image.” It describes the function of the spirit mind (more commonly thought of as the soul) to guide us in the pursuit of a life of truth, beauty, goodness and love, namely, a life of value. This offers the kind of clarity that can inform our lives and give us the power to be “fully alive,” in every sense of the words.
Pursuing and realizing values ought to be given priority in our lives. Life is worth living when we are “fully alive” but that doesn’t happen by accident. We have the opportunity, take it or not, to experience the power of time off to stimulate our creativity, or to utilize spiritual practice to develop the spiritual selves we so often ignore. We can choose to be a part of the change we want to see in our world—or not, and we can discover the awesome community that is right in front of us.
DP Life invites you on a journey of discovery to explore what it means to be “fully alive.”