Wish You Were Here

Postcards from the Divine Principle WorkshopHow often do you get the chance to take time off from your everyday, travel to a remote mountain range in Las Vegas and have a transformative experience with 120 individuals all excited about their journey of self discovery?Not very often. So we created one! We’re out here, at the Mt. Charlston Resort located in a remote mountain range on the outskirts of the flashy city that is Las Vegas. And we’re taking time off to discover the Divine Principles of life and come alive through self discovery, transformation and community.

Every morning for the next seven days, 120 of us get to roll out of bed, look out our window and just gawk in awe at God’s creation. Then we get to spend the day with a diverse group of people learning from each other, exploring our hearts and checking in with ourselves.We are intentionally making efforts to create a life we love. Wish you were here? We do too! Not all of us can drop everything for a week, but never fear, you can be here in spirit! Stay tuned as we bring you inspiring updates from the participants and give you the tools to ponder your own journey in creating a life you love!

Day 1: Coming Alive through CommunityThe 7-Day Divine Principle Workshop in Las Vegas, Nevada provides a perfect balance of discovering the Divine Principles, checking in with ourselves, and sharing. Several participants here are new to the teachings of the Divine Principle, some having been introduced to it just weeks ago, but everyone here is fully present, fully engaged and curious.

We think it’s amazing that so many who started off as complete strangers can gather in a place they’ve never been to and study together. Their complete investment of heart, mind and energy today revitalized, reenergized and contributed to the growth of every person present; in just one day, the all 130 participants gelled into what truly felt like one family under God. The main hall overflowed with good sentiments and a feeling of happiness to be here.The day began with morning exercises, a short service about the heart of God and the creation of 15 study teams. Presentations were given on the first chapter of the Divine Principle, The Principles of Creation, and included group discussion and reflection and Q&A with the presenter.

It was the evening portion that set the tone for the entire week though. Teams spent time in the evening reflecting on their bucket list while staff handed out ice cream floats. Spontaneous uncontrollable fits of laughter could be heard throughout the room. Participants then shared their bucket list with the whole group. People teased each other from across the main hall, energy was high and it just felt like one family under God. It was a surprise to the whole group—wholly strangers yesterday—that they gelled as quickly as they did. Unificationists and guests alike shared openly, freely and feeling safe to do so. Bucket list items spanned from raising a beautiful family to changing the world, to visiting the corners of the earth to behold God’s stunning creation, to doing that one thing to make a family member feel completely, utterly loved. All the dreams were large in love.We’re all excited for the days to come! Stay tuned for more updates from the mountains of Las Vegas!Day 2: Coming Alive through Self DiscoveryOur second day started off overcast, but we worked off the morning chill with an invigorating and fun exercise routine. Nothing like a good workout to start the day!After the first day filled with laughs and bonding, we were all ready to dig a little deeper.

“The motivation levels are high and the commitment levels are 100%, which is refreshing for a lecturer,” shared Rev. Kevin Thompson, one of our Divine Principle teachers. “People are already engaged. They want to be here.”Rev. Kevin Thompson offered thought-provoking lessons on the Fall of Man, and the Purpose of the Messiah. The topics gave all of us a chance to think deeply about our lives, to search our own hearts, and to communicate and learn from each other.He spoke passionately about Jesus and his role, and implored all of us to find a relationship with him. He reminded us that Father Moon had a deep understanding of and connection with Jesus, that it was because of Jesus that Father Moon began his own ministry. Many of the participants remarked that they were grateful to have a new love for Jesus. Some even had the inspiration to start a Bible study group.The program switched gears in the evening, with a high-spirited session of singing and a lesson on public speaking. The evening programs are meant to compliment the day’s period of deep study with a more light-hearted but engaging activity. It was exciting to see everyone practice and give their speeches. The activity was challenging but fun, and everyone felt empowered to have learned this important skill.It’s only been a few days, but we feel like we’ve experienced so much together already!Day 3: Coming Alive through ValueWe just can’t get enough of the Divine Principle! Every session, participants ask for longer lectures, more content, and longer Q&A sessions.Rev. Kevin Thompson’s witty personality coupled with his deep understanding of the text kept the high energy levels going strong on day three. For his final day of lectures (before welcoming someone new to the stage!), Rev. Thompson presented on the chapters of Eschatology, Resurrection and Predestination in the Divine Principle.On the heels of the presentation on Predestination, participants shared what they felt they were born to be. It was a meaningful and touching discussion that helped us all get to know one another a little bit better.

In the late afternoon, Teresa Ferrete followed up on this same theme shared a great deal of her personal struggles and challenges about self-discovery and self-value. She asked the group, “If you knew your value, how would life be different for you?” Good question! It’s not always an easy one to answer, but everyone appreciated the time for some honest reflection.Everyone is so thankful to be here. The session ended with the whole group praying, hand-in-hand, and giving thanks to God, our Heavenly Parent, for the chance to be here all together.In the evening, we sang, we swayed, we lifted our hands to the sounds of music! Participant Josh Hardmon coordinated the day’s evening program, using music to introduce the distinction of tolerance versus truly loving each other as God’s children. He played three clips of religious praise music from different genres including a Jewish prayer, a Catholic chant, and a Pacific Island song. Participants took time to appreciate the way God can be expressed through different music, cultures, and locations. Everyone shared in small groups about the aspects of different religions that they appreciated or loved.We ended the day under the stars in the brisk mountain air, contemplating the gift of creation and creating space for prayer and reflection.Our bonds grow deeper each day, as we learn and grow in this transformative experience together.Day 4: Coming Alive through Starting Over“No matter how long you’ve been studying it, we’re all students of the Divine Principle,” said workshop director Naokimi Ushiroda, President of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP).It’s true! Whether we have been studying Divine Principle for some time or are hearing about it for the first time, there is always something new to learn. That’s what’s so exciting about being here together for this workshop.Everyone is feeling right at home now and can’t get enough of the enlightening lectures and discussions.“In all of my years of teaching I don’t ever recall being asked for longer lectures,” said Rev. Kevin Thompson. “This is a highly motivated group who is thirsty to study and digest what God’s hope and expectation are for us in this age. The questions after the presentations were deep and insightful and the overall enthusiasm was refreshing.”It’s amazing to hear all of the insights that people are gaining and to witness how God is speaking to each one of us in different ways.

Evening activities got creative, with a challenge that was artistic and profound. Each team had to make a picture representing “God’s Ideal World,” but with some sort of limitation, like not being able to talk or see. As always, the activities are engaging and fun, but also highlight a deeper message. For this, it was to recognize that God is always trying to reach out to us and show us His dreams for this world, but we are so often blocked by our own limitations that we fail to fully see it.It was a day of inspiration as well as reflection, and with three more days left in the program, there is still plenty of time left for growth, learning, and discovery!Day 5: Coming Alive through CompassionDay 5 of the workshop was somewhere between warm and chill, the radical desert weather reflecting the transformations we’re experiencing through the Divine Principle each and every day. Starting off the morning right, we warmed up with martial arts and stretching.Gerry Servito presented on the “heart of restoration,” explaining that the heart overrides thinking, and it’s crucial in our spiritual journey to know the heart of God. He asked participants, “Was there ever a time you felt so excited for something, so hopeful, and it didn’t happen?” This exercise helped participants imagine God’s utter frustration and despair when the world He created didn’t become all He hoped for it to be.

Presenter Miilhan Stephens later arrived on scene and gave a lecture on Jesus and discussed the temptations he had to overcome. He asked the participants to remember a time they were tempted, whether they overcame or gave in, and what they learned. One participant shared a very personal experience of being tempted by an old relationship. She shared how close she came to falling to this temptation, but that at the very last second, she felt God giving her strength. She was pursued three more times, stood her ground, and became stronger and stronger. After lots of prayer, she was able to receive her wonderful husband and experience true love. The old boyfriend also began his search for a wife. The participant’s strength helped the two of them heal in the long run. This sharing revealed that the Divine Principle is a set of core values that can guide us even in the darkest of times.A well-deserved lunch break for all included beautiful pita pockets served with pineapple, cantaloupe and melon salad. Lunchtime also presented an opportunity for hiking, singing, and general snacking and relaxing. The afternoon included further lectures and discussions, and though the day was filled with loaded and somewhat heavy topics, participants closed Day 5 with a sense of wonder, aliveness and enlightened energy.Day 6: Beginning with Life, Legacy and VisionDay six was different than all of the other days at the workshop. It began with a visit to the International Peace Education Center, the new building in Las Vegas that Father Moon intended to be a place of international study of the Divine Principle and peace. A crowd of Unificationists were already gathered, eager to celebrate the momentous day. For many participants from the workshop, it was their first opportunity to see Mother Moon, as she spoke to the crowd and sanctified the center. The beautiful and modern building was the perfect setting for a presentation on Father Moon’s life, given by Dr. Michael Balcomb.

Dr. Balcomb shared his personal insights into the life, legacy and vision of Father Moon beginning with the reading of an excerpt from Father Moon’s autobiography:“My encounter with Jesus changed my life completely. His sorrowful expression was etched into my heart as if it had been branded there, and I could not think of anything else. From that day on, I immersed myself completely in the Word of God. At times, I was surrounded by endless darkness and filled with such pain that it was difficult to breathe. At other times, my heart was filled with joy, as though I were watching the morning sun rise above the horizon. I experienced a series of days like these that led me into a deeper and deeper world of prayer. I embraced new words of truth that Jesus was giving me directly and let myself be completely captivated by God. I began to live an entirely different life.”He explained this as the defining moment in Father Moon’s life when God called Father Moon to serve. “This is my favorite part of the book,” he said.It was inspiring to learn about Father Moon’s calling, and his deep heart towards Jesus. Just like many of us had an enlightening experience about Jesus during other lectures and discussions, Father Moon’s encounter with Jesus was transformative. A man of great determination, Father Moon persevered through many trials with a heart to ease God’s pain and to bring peace to the world.It is with this spirit that the International Peace Education Center was created. It was an honor to be a part of the celebrations and to see the center as the realization of the ideals we have all been studying.Day Seven: Divine Principle Breaks ThroughThe Hoover Dam has always inspired awe, and even Father and Mother Moon saw it as a symbol of the heart and spirit of America. We had a wonderful time being able to visit the historic site. Many of us took tours or just walked in reflection along the dam. Many shared Father Moon’s sentiments, and shared personal stories of past visits to the dam.

The final evening went late into the night, as participants shared their experiences over the last seven days and exchanged cards of appreciation. “People really didn’t want to leave,” shared Naokimi Ushiroda, workshop Director. “I feel that we were really able to create a sample of the Kingdom of Heaven; people were just hugging each other, laughing, crying and really embracing each other and appreciating each other. I felt a lot of hope and warmth among the participants.”

It has been such an amazing experience, and everyone agreed that they are eager for another workshop to come together again and to invite their friends. The workshop has inspired many in their personal areas of work, life, and to make bigger investments into living for the sake of others.We’re all excited to bring back what we’ve learned, and can’t wait for the next opportunity to share the Divine Principle and this experience with others. We missed you! Hope you make it next time!


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