3 Steps to Map Out Your Spiritual New Year
If we take a moment to look back, we see all the moments where God was really there for us in 2014, where our faith evolved and where our hearts grew to be more understanding. Reflecting further, most of us will notice that these experiences stem out of our relationships with others. The preciousness of each relationship is that it offers us a chance to give and grow. As Reverend Moon, founder of the Unification faith, once put it so simply,
“Your personal relationships are the key to everything.”
Therefore, before we lock down our intentions for the new year, why not consider that one person we can still reach out to, or fulfill one more commitment that we made to someone? The best way to set new habits is to start right now.
Looking ahead to 2015, we hope to become more mindful, intentional people that recognize the value of each person in our lives. Here are three simple steps to map out your spiritual journey this year, find peace in your plans, trust in God and feel excitement for the blessing of a new year.
1. Get a journal. Put your life on paper, it’s a form of prayer. It doesn’t matter how eloquent you are, simply that you get out of your head and awaken your spirit with all its creative, intentional energy. Notice the people God is bringing into your life and jot down some things you notice about yourself in your relationships with others. Be clear about where you have been and how it shaped you and how that will take you forward. Focus on your heart’s goals—that includes the spiritual, physical, and mental. Invite God officially into your next year to keep you accountable for your spiritual intentions.
2. Start a project. The defining factor of spiritual fruition and success is moving from thought to action. Do anything that comes from your heart to get it pumping, spiritually. Choose something that others will depend on once it is started, again to keep you accountable and motivated. Choose one area of your community and improve it. It can be a small step, something you can imagine accomplishing within one month. This will spark your inspiration and open doors to new projects and a meaningful lifestyle.
3. Come up with a Refresh plan. We all get burned out spiritually, and often life stresses magnify our weaknesses, fears and negative thought cycles. Learn to accept these moments as life’s natural process, and while you wait for them to pass, cultivate peace and preserve energy for when you are ready to get back on your feet. Identify activities that both energize and relax you, don’t wait until you are exhausted to figure it out. Identify people you can go to for advice, comfort, a reality check and who you can be yourself around. Finally, use your journal to list some places where you can always go to feel love, peace, stability and security, be it your home, a friend’s home, or your “favorite spot” in nature. In times of trouble, you can resort to these people, places and activities to hold you, remind you of who you are and keep you strong.
A new year offers a chance at renewal. It is a time for forgiveness and revamped motivation, reconnection and recentering. Take time to direct your heart toward where you want to grow this year. Take hold of the power of your spiritual map.